Living Cost

Monthly living expenses (including tuition) in Japan for international students on average nationwide comes to about 138,000 yen. Regionally, the Shikoku region has the lowest living expenses at 104,000 yen, while the Kanto region has the highest living expenses at 154,000 yen. The Kanto region includes Tokyo, where average monthly expenses comes to 158,000 yen. This is more than 50,000 yen per month extra compared to the Shikoku region. The high expense of Tokyo can be attributed to high rent costs along with the cost of transportation required for commuting and other activities.

One of the main reasons to study in Japan is the safe environment, as Japan is considered one of the safest countries in the world. The living cost in Japan compared to other study destinations is low. It all depends on the areas you choose to live and the lifestyle you follow.

The most student-friendly cities in Japan include Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Sapporo or Yokohama, cities that cover all your budget needs.

Daily goods prices:

Products Price
Rice (5 kg) 2,224 yen
Bread (1 kg) 621 yen
Milk (1,000 ml) 216 yen
Eggs (10 eggs) 222 yen
Apples (1 kg) 447 yen
Cabbage (1 kg) 118 yen
Carbonated drink (500 ml plastic bottle) 108 yen
Hamburger 180 yen
Gasoline (1 liter) 132 yen
Toilet paper (1,000 m) 643 yen
Movie ticket 1,833 yen
Taxi (4 km) 1,460 yen

The cost of living

The assume monthly expenses describe in below. The cost of living in center areas is higher than in rural areas.