Japanese Education system

Education is a fundamental pillar of growth for human beings all around the world. Every country has its own methods in teaching and raising children in order to become a part of their unique culture as well as also in Japan

The Japanese school system primarily consists of six-year elementary schools, three-year junior high schools and three-year high schools and then higher education starts upon the completion of these three stages. After completing 9 years of elementary and junior school student have to change their school to admit in high school. There are 5 types of higher education institutions in Japan. which are

1) Colleges of technology,

2) Professional training colleges (postsecondary course of specialized training colleges),

3) Junior colleges,

4) Universities (undergraduate) and

5) Graduate schools. Also, these higher education institutions are divided into three categories: national, local public and private.

Higher education institutions accepting international students

Degrees and titles you can obtain and the required study periods

Program Degrees or Titles Required Study Period
Graduate School Doctoral Program*1 Doctoral degree 5 years
Graduate School Master's Program Master's degree 2 years
Graduate School Professional Degree Program Master's degree (professional degree) 2 years
Graduate School Professional Degree Program Juris Doctor (professional degree) 3 years
Graduate School Professional Degree Program Master of Education (professional degree) 2 years
University (UnderGraduate) General faculties and faculty of pharmacy (4-year program) Bachelor's degree 4 years
Faculties of medicine, dentistry. veterinary and pharmacy 6 years
Professional and Vocational university - Bachelor's degree (professional) 4 years
Junior College - Associate degree 2 or 3 years
Professional and Vocational Junior Associate degree (professional) College - Associate degree (professional) 2 years
College of Technology - Associate degree 5 years or 5 year and 6 months *2
Professional Specialized training colleges Specialized training colleges postsecondary course Diploma 2 years or more
Advance Diploma 4 years or more

*1 Graduate school doctoral programs are sometimes divided into the first phase (two years) and second phase (three years). The required period of undergraduate study in medicine, dentistry and veterinary and certain pharmaceutical programs is six years, and the duration of their graduate (doctoral) program is four year.

*2 The required period of study at a college of technology is normally five years, yet international students are accepted from the third year

Higher educational institutions in Japan set their academic year from April to March of the following year. Many higher educational institutions adopt the semester system, and most start their academic year in April, although there are also some that begin in autumn.

The long holiday seasons are usually in the summer (end of July ~early September), winter (end of December ~early January) and spring (February ~March).

Number of higher education institutions in Japan

National Local public Private Total
Graduate schools 86 84 473 643
Universities (Undergraduate) 86 94 615 795
Junior colleges - 17 306 323
Colleges of technology 51 3 3 57
Professional training colleges 9 184 2586 2779