Academic fees

With a view to going in Japan you have to keep in mind expenses of academic fees and other. First, before entering the Japan visa processing, application that time you have to pay some fees as well as after entering in Japan also you have some costs but the fees or expenses are more reasonable than other country.

So, the information details about the fees and expenses explained in below,

Fees category

Elementary fees (before coming in Japan) After coming in Japan
For language proficiency test exam fee (JLPT, NAT, JPT, TOFEL) Housing costs
Examination fee for entering Japan Hotel cost if require
Physical examination fee Food cost
Application sending cost Community expenses
Passport processing fee Utilities bill
Air fee Insurance and medical expenses
Visa application fee Textbook buying cost
Tuition fee Travelling expenses
Dormitory fee and others Other

So, the upper table easily you can get idea about expenses in japan. These fee and expenses differ from school and area basis. But good thing is that many Japanese school provide scholarship and tuition fees reduction program for the in going student.

In addition, the assume admission and tuition fees detail explained for the student
Institution type National Local
Private (excludes medical, dental and pharmaceutical program)
Private (medical, dental and pharmaceutical program)
Graduate School Approx. 820,000 yen Approx. 930,000 yen Approx. 1,000,000 yen Approx. 800,000 yen
University (Undergraduate)  Approx. 820,000 yen Approx. 930,000 yen Approx. 1,100,000 yen Approx. 3,200,000 yen
Junior College Approx. 610,000 yen Approx. 960,000 yen
College of Technology (National) Approx. 320,000 yen
Professional Training College  Approx. 850,000 yen
Japanese Language Institution Approx. 610,000~1,050,000 yen ※1

This Academic fees for one year